Friday, November 2, 2012

Week 7

            First thing I want to talk about addresses our narrators parents.  They seem highly old fashion, and not really modern.  Her parents give her four boxes of condoms in her stocking to help her practice safe sex.  They go about explaining every sexually transmitted disease in detail in order to make our narrator aware of the consequences of not practicing safe sex.  Could you imagine how awkward it would be having this conversation with your parents?  I think if my parents were talking about these diseases in full detail I would get up and leave the room right there.  Some families really like to make their children aware of these things, and how sex works.  When were growing up, getting into junior high school the controversy arises whether or not school should be teaching us about these things or learning it from your own parents.  It is really hard to determine whether school should teach it or not because half of the kids in school don’t pay attention anyway, especially in junior high school.  So I believe that it should be coming from your parents, but in an appropriate context, rather than explaining in full detail. 

            In this segment not only do we learn that our narrator’s parents are a little more messed up than before, we also learn that Evie shot our narrator.  Why did Evie shoot our narrator?  Was it the fact that she was jealous of her? Or was it just because of Steve, the man that both of these women were/are in love with? Our narrator was not even aware that Steve knew Evie.  It seems like throughout the book we see instances where Evie and our narrator do not get along.  Our narrator always gets mad when Evie stretches out her clothes, and Evie always gets mad when our narrator gets a gig and she doesn’t.  Are these big enough motives though for Evie to shoot her?  Was it really necessary for Evie to shoot her over a man.  We can really see that Evie is really selfish, she puts herself before anyone else and the beginning of the book shows it too.  She is in a burnt wedding dress and still wants to be the center of attention.  This reminds me of the Carly Simon song we listened to, Evie is so vein, she probably thinks this song is about her. 

            What will our narrator do now that she is out of the hospital?  Will she look for a job?  Where is she going to live and who will hire her?  It seems like everyone will seclude her from society because of her new appearance.  It seems like she may possibly go back to her parents.  I say this because in the middle of the night upset after Steve’s unpleasant visit to Evie’s house, she calls her parents.  She cant talk and she is listening to her parents and Steve yelling gibberish at the same time.  She always talks about wanting someone to love.  I hope our narrator can stick with a friend like Brandy, maybe even develop a relationship with her somehow you never know.  It seems like this can possibly happen.  

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